Choose from 91 unique heroes in an epic battle to defend the Anciesnts…
Modes: -ap, -ar, -lm, -rd, -xl, -sd, -dm, -mm, -tr, -vr, -rv, -mr, -du, -sp, -sh, -aa, -ai, -as, -id, -em, -sc, -np, -om, -nt, -nm, -nb, -ns. -nr, -ts, -pm, -oi, -mi
Changelog DotA Allstars v6.54
6.54 Changelog:=================* Added extra dynamic replay data to help replay parsers present in-game data (see below)* Rebalanced Invoker (see below)* Reworked Shadow Priest (see below)* Various changes to Phantom Lancer and Spirit Lance (see below)* Changes to Aphotic shield and Borrowed Time (see below)
* Improved hero selection process in RD* Added hotkeys for recipe stores* Changed Elder Dragon Form MS Bonus from 10/35/60 to a constant 25* Changed Freezing Field mechanics a bit. The slow now comes from the area rather than the explosions. Changed the distribution method on Freezing Field as well* First Blood bounty is shared with the team if Sent/Scourge get the last hit* Untouchable now triggers off being targeted by attacks or spells* Rewrote Avalanche to fix various minor bugs* Decreased Inner Vitality cooldown from 30 to 25 seconds* Lowered Clockwerk’s strength gain* Lowered early damage on Rocket Flare* Added Internationalized text support for GameScore Board, EndScore Board and Observer Board* Added extra data to end of replay (Player Gold, Assists, Neutral CS, Items)* Improved Bloodrage a little* Lowered base armor on Lycan’s Wolves from 5 to 2* Minor reduction to Clockwerk’s base armor* Rewrote Maledict for some optimizations* Toss no longer uses manacost/cooldown if you make an invalid cast* Toss now seeks its target* You can now only -kickafk allied afk players* Temporarily undid the movability of items in cooldown while some issues are being fixed* Phantom Lancer’s images now create a dummy Spirit Lance effect when the primary casts it* Player turn indicator for RD is made clearer* Added extra orb effect notations to items and abilities (228748)* Blur visual effect is now applied only to enemies (190092)* Changed the name and icon for Flask of Sapphire Water (206885)* Illuminate wave now gives vision (226661)* Rewrote Devour. It now shows progress bar overhead and doesn’t reveal you (217291)* Sentinel Ancients buildings are now in rooted model form (216494)* Added a new fun mode -mi(miniheroes) that creates the hereos at half size* Added a new command to customize water color for local player (-water red, -water blue, -water green or -water default)* Displayed gold animation for First Blood bounty* Winners are now displayed in Warcraft’s score screen (234657)* Dummy lineup units in RD now show player name* Improved Acid Spray visual effect* Increased Spin Web visual transparency* Increased the size of the recently added $ symbol for observers and replays* New Sonic Wave visual effect* New Maledict visual effect* New Freezing Field visual effect* New Black Hole visual effect* New Spirit Lance visual effect* New Flask of Sapphire Water visual effect* New visual effect for units with Poison Nova buff* New Weave cast visual effect* Updated Hookshot tooltip* Fixed a bug with casting March of the Machines on a cliff (DonTomaso)* Fixed a bug with Feral Heart and swapping or repicking* Fixed a minor bug with Grow* Fixed a bug with Infest and Refresher-Necronomicon* Fixed a bug with Melting Strike on Invoker* Fixed a bug with Timewalk and Power Cogs* Fixed a minor bug with Expulsion* Fixed a rare glitch with Time Walk* Fixed Armlet typo* Fixed a rare bug with Borrowed Time where it sometimes doesn’t use cooldown when triggered* Fixed Battle Hunger buff tooltip* Fixed Bottle activating Mana Leak* Fixed Enchant on neutral creeps with initially reduced mana* Fixed Feral Heart buff level tooltip* Fixed -fs text bug introduce last version* Fixed -kickafk warning text not showing up* Fixed some issues with Hookshotting someone near trees* Fixed some targetting bugs with Lucifer* Fixed Stifling Dagger not working properly when it hits a fogged unit* Fixed various other tooltip errors
++ Invoker Changes:- Invoke levels at 2/7/12/17 with cooldown from 30/30/15/5 to 30/25/12/5 and manacost from 20/40/60/80 to 20/50/80/110- Sunstrike: cooldown 60->30, manacost 250->175- Deafening Blast: cooldown 25->40- Chaos Meteor: cooldown 30->70- Forge Spirit: cooldown 70->30, manacost 200->75, casting with ones already on field kills old ones. Improved visual look slightly. If both elements are level 4 or higher, double spawn.- Tornado: Airtime from 0.4/0.7/1.0/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 -> 0.6/0.85/1.1/1.35/1.6/1.85/2.2 Same final damage, 120 starting damage instead of 190- Alacrity: Is now WWE, cooldown 20->15 Duration 5->6, manacost 125->50, Original IAS: 40/60/80/100/120/140/160. New IAS: 30/40/50/60/70/80/90. It now gives damage as well: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80.- EMP: changed to pure Wex ability, WWW. 0.5 HP lost for each mana drained. Tweaked various other aspects such as cast range and manacost.- Ice Wall: Rescaled duration from 4->10 to 3->12. Improved Exort based damage from 5/10/15/20/25/30/35 to 6/12/18/24/30/36/42
++ Shadow Priest:- Changed Shallow Grave completely. It is now a basic ability- Changed how Weave works. It is now an ultimate- Reduced Shadow Priest’s cast point- Shadow Wave can now bounce back to you at the last wave if you are in range. Also added an extra bounce at level 3 and 4
++ Phantom Lancer:- Reworked Spirit Lance- Phantom Lancer images now create a dummy Spirit Lance effect when the real one casts it- Lowered Doppelwalk invisibility duration from 12 to 8- Increased and Standardized all Phantom Lancer images’ percentage of damage taken- Lowered maximum image count
++ Abaddon:- Improved how Borrowed Time works and increased cooldown- Reworked Aphotic Shield stats
++ New real-time replay data:- When a hero dies: Hero, where d=dead player id and k=kill player id- When a chicken dies: Courier, where d=dead player id and k=kill player id- When tower dies: Tower a s t , where a=alliance (0,1 0=sent, 1=scourge) l=level (1,2,3,4) s=side (0=top,1=mid,2=bot) and k=kill player id. for level 4 towers, s=1- When rax dies: rax a s t,k where a=alliance (0,1 0=sent, 1=scourge) s=side (0=top,1=mid,2=bot) t=rax type (0,1 0=melee, 1=range) k=kill player id- When Throne gets hurt: Frozen Throne,
where p=current percentage hp (75/50/25/10)- When Tree gets hurt: World Tree,
where p=current percentage hp (75/50/25/10)- When a player gets disconnected: CKDN,
where k=creep kills, d=creep denies, n=neutral kills, p=player id of leaver
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